
Advertising rates
Back cover 210 x 240mm£225.00
Full page internal 210 x 240mm£195.00
Half page 110 x 210mm landscape or 105 x 240mm portrait£125.00
Quarter page 105 x 120mm portrait£75.00
Eighth page 105 x 58mm landscape£45.00
Small classified box£10.00
Odd sizes by arrangement. We can also produce an advert for you for a small fee. Adverts need to be supplied as Gif, Tif, Jpeg, Bmp, or PDF minimum 300dpi.

The Broadie is a magazine for Broadstairs / St Peters and Kingsgate. It is produced by local people on a bi-monthly basis. The premise of the magazine is that anyone can write in with an article, so long as it is of interest and relates in someway to the town.

We often take a wry look at what's going on and have been more than willing to have our say on issues that affect the town and its residents. We also sponsor many events within the town.

The magazine has a print run of 5000 full colour copies of which 4500 are delivered for free to homes in the CT10 area, the other 500 are to be found in Cafes, Pubs and various other drop off points in Broadstairs. The magazine has become very popular and readers regularly tell us that they read each issue from cover to cover and often post them overseas to fellow 'Broadies' in distant climes.

Many of our advertisers report that their adverts within the magazine have been incredibly successful and advertise time and again.

Further Information

If you are interested in advertising or would like to discuss any further, please feel free to call 01843 869368 or e-mail to discuss your requirements.

Our Sponsors

Please feel free to contact us on 01843 869368 or via email on


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4 Nelson Place
CT10 1HQ

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